Today we have arisen to a gloomy and rainy day. The two oldest are still asleep so Joe and I are enjoying the quiet of the house. Joe has come down with a cold and was quite fussy last night so we are running on a low tank of energy already this morning. We have already feasted on a breakfast of watermelon and bagels. Already, on day four of a healthier diet I have noticed a difference in how I feel. Little changes are making a big difference.
My mom, all the kids, and I went to some city-wide garage sales yesterday. We ended up finding a lot and while I spent too much money my children are set with clothes for this year and most of next years clothes as well. I love buying ahead so I don't have to rush out and buy each season when a new one arrives. Does anyone else dread the big season clothes change twice yearly? I love going through the clothes and seeing what I have set aside but I hate washing it all and trying to organize the dressers and closets when we are in between a season. Right now I still have all the kids summer clothing out in their dressers as we are still having warm weather but am also trying to fit more jeans and long sleeved shirts in their dressers for those in between cooler days and all I can say is that the dressers are a mess right now. I will be happy when I can put most of the summer things away and organize the fall and winter clothing. It is difficult being in charge of three completely different wardrobes!
On the topic of changing with the seasons...the much cooler weather will be here soon. I am trying to get us out and about as much as possible to enjoy the nice weather before we are stuck inside most of the time. I love the beauty of Autumn but it seems to be gone in a flash and then the long winters set in. For now, we are enjoying the beauty and have been blessed with beautiful weather for almost a whole month. Joe loves being outside at all times...
It seems I struck a nerve with a few people with my last post. As though passing your own morals and values down to your children is not possible without "brainwashing" them. Some seem to think that morals and values are a thing of the past and old-fashioned. That you can't possibly live in the real world and believe these things. That I've lost touch with reality. I very much live in the real world and am exposed to unmoral things daily, that does not mean that I need to be a part of those activities. Once again, there is a very big difference in being exposed to wrong activities and participating in them. And that is where the learning experience comes in. You can either point out to your children what you believe and why you believe it and hope that they see your point or you can let other people push their own values (or lack of them) onto your children. Because children learn from somewhere. Yes, ultimately, they will decide for themselves and have their own beliefs but they have to have a starting point. A solid foundation is the best to build upon. And that responsibility rests in the parents solely...not the schools, government, peers, or anyone else. Any comments or questions on this discussion can be e-mailed to me or left in the comment section and I will respond in a further post if necessary. I feel strongly on this topic and don't mind sticking up for it.
And now to continue on my random way and get things ready for school, start some laundry, hop in the shower, vacuum, and all the other random things that exist for a homemaker and mother.
It is good to hear another young mother stand up for what is right. Way to go! We are faced with much evil in this world and it is our job to teach our children right and wrong. They have to be taught by someone and it should be their parents! I stand with you on this issue! God bless you with continue strength, wisdom, and courage!