Monday, August 9, 2010

Feed the Freezer Tip

Another freezer recipe is coming up this week but I wanted to post a tip about freezer cooking.

I never freezer cooking because I didn't have enough pans to freeze things in and didn't want to buy the disposable tin foil pans because that would cut into my savings. I know some people use freezer bags to freeze things in and these work well for things such as bread, meats, and side dishes but you really can't just freeze a casserole in a ziplock bag! I had a dilemma so often only made one or two dishes to freeze using my spare pans.

After hearing a tip about freezer cooking I have found the solution...

Plain 'ol tin foil! Line your baking dish with tin foil, leaving excess tin foil hanging over the side. Add your meal to the pan, fold the tin foil over to cover the dish, and freeze. Several hours later you can pull the frozen tin foil covered food out of the pan. I wrap it in saran wrap to avoid freezer burn. Label your dish and stick it back in the freezer. Once you are ready to use it just pull the saran wrap off, stick the "block" of food back into a pan, and cook! It has made freezer cooking a cinch for me!

Don't forget that you have until noon today to enter this giveaway!

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