Monday, August 9, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Is it wrong to...

...feel an urge to get pregnant because you found an awesome maternity skirt at a garage sale that you sooooooo want to wear?

...cancel your son's speech therapy for the day because your morning isn't going so hot and you just don't feel like rushing to get everyone ready to leave the house?

...hang up on a telemarketer?

...not answer the door when religious missionaries come knocking?

...yell at the dog for peeing on the floor, only to realize it was your child that did it?

...throw toys in the garbage after asking your children to pick them up for the thousandth time?

No?! Good, because I've done each and every one of these! :)

Happy Not Me! Monday!


  1. I've so done ALL those things!!!

  2. I nearly did with speech...... I probably would have had he not showed up 20 minutes early!

  3. HA! That is so funny I have thrown out things too. I also had the urge to hang up on a telemarketer this weekend but she was collecting donations for kids with cancer so I didn't. I made the freezer casserole (the one with sausage and pepperoni. My inlaws like it, my mom will eat it in 3 wks.

  4. Absoutely not wrong to do all of those things! I was one who was forever cancelling speech therapy for a number of different reasons!

  5. Jodi- So glad the freezer casserole went over well!

    So glad I'm not the only one who does these things! lol

  6. I had to do the whole throwing the toys away thing, too. Lily finally got the hint with she lost some beloved items.

  7. I am totally with you on the carpet thing, I read that and chuckled to myself cause with three dogs and a little girl potty training I know where you are coming from!

  8. My boys are horrid...they like to answer the telemarketer calls with some off the wall accent or in Japanese or German and knock them off kilter. I am waiting for the day that the telemarketer is fluent in Japanese or German and they will be in real trouble then. Still chuckling about the pee on the floor!

  9. Wait... wait.

    Have you been following me around all morning?! There's only one way you would have known to write this, and that's by peeking through my window.

