Friday, January 9, 2015

Movie Time!

It's cold outside! What better way to get your mind off the weather than to head to the movies? Thanks to the U.S. Cellular Blogger Brigade you have the chance to win two tickets worth up to $10 each for any Fandango Movie Theater! Certificates will be e-mailed to you to be printed out and expire at the end of the pick a good movie in January to watch! Enter below, winner will be chosen on Monday, January 12th.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Oh, and I have no idea what my all-time favorite movie is--there are so many to choose from! Fried Green Tomatoes is a great comfort watch, though.

  2. I *just* saw an ad on TV for a new movie coming out, "Strange Magic" that is finally, finally rated PG so I can take my 9 year old grandson to the movies. It's getting more and more difficult to find movies for us to both enjoy.

    (Just in case I actually win, best email for me is joanjohnson at cinci dot rr dot com)
