Friday, January 9, 2015

A Thing of Beauty

"Former child star Fiona Hume deserted the movie biz a decade ago--right after she left rehab. She landed in Baltimore, bought a dilapidated old mansion downtown, and hatched dreams of restoring it into a masterpiece, complete with a studio for herself. She would disappear from public view and live an artist's life.

That was the plan.

Ten years later, Fiona's huge house is filled with junk purchased at thrift stores, haggled over at yard sales, or picked up from the side of the road." 

You knew I just had to pick this book up because of that description, didn't you?! Surprisingly, this book didn't turn out to be what I expected. It took me awhile to understand the book, and then at one point I really didn't like the story line because it wasn't what I expected, but the end redeemed it for me. 

Is it very believable? Not really, but it was a fun read. I'm happy that we were housebound due to the cold because I started and finished this book today. 

The beauty of the book is that it does make you stop and see things differently. See people differently. The three main characters are quite likeable and you feel a part of their world for the length of the book. A few dips in the storyline that I just never figured out (is Fiona really an escort?!) but I felt like the ending tied this little story up nicely. I look forward to picking up other books by Lisa Samson as I enjoy her writing style!  

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