Sunday, August 10, 2014

U.S. Cellular Back to School

You all know I'm not a huge fan of children having constant access to technology. But there really are some benefits to it, especially when it comes to back to school time.

A friend just recently asked on Facebook what is an okay for a child to be left alone after school. This is a perfect example of when a cell phone plays an important role in a child's life, and safety. That child can use a cell phone to call mom or dad before leaving school and once again after they safely arrive home from that walk. It gives a child peace of mind to have that safety net in their pocket and allows a parent instant access to their child when need be. 

For an older child, it allows organization of school events, homework, and after school activities. Gone are the days of paper planners in most homes...and phone apps can even give you a reminder on what is due when and the date and time of an appointment. The only downside is no longer being able to say "I forgot!"

Back to school also means back to learning, something that may be a bit more challenging for some kids more than others after three months of freedom. Phone apps and games can help improve certain subjects in a fun way. Actually, it reminds me of my son who uses a tablet in speech therapy. The games they play on it are fun for him but also very educational and I can hear him learning as he plays. Technology is a tool that our children love to turn to because it makes things more of a game than a chore.

Again, it's important to let your children know how they should and should not be using their phones. U.S. Cellular has an awesome parent/child agreement which can be printed off and used as a way to bring up this important topic with your child/teen.

Technology not only helps students, but teachers as well. And
through U.S. Cellular's ongoing commitment to the community and education, the company has contributed more than $7 million through this and other philanthropic programming. Starting today K-12 public school teachers can register online at DonorsChoose and affiliate as a U.S. Cellular teacher. Then beginning August 11, they can post their classroom projects for funding consideration. Through DonorsChoose U.S. Cellular has funded more than 4,500 classroom projects to date, which included technology tools, art equipment and science experiments. All projects must be submitted by September 21 to be eligible for this year’s funding.  Selected projects will be in announced in October. How awesome is that?

What pros and cons do you see with your child and technology as they start another school year?

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by U.S. Cellular Blogger Brigade; all opinions are my own.


  1. Its funny you mention using the phone for keeping track of assignments and appointments. I tried that, and missed too many deadlines, and went back to my trusty Stephen King desk calendar for keeping track of life. My daughter has found the use issue in college, and relies 100% on a paper planner. It makes me wonder if there is something in the brain that makes a person more inclined to remember better by writing than a digital reminder?

    1. I'm sure it has more to do with being a paper person, which not many people are these days. I can't imagine a teen boy walking around with a planner or journal!

  2. Downsides:
    1. Radiation from devices. Most do not know this is even a problem.
    2. It contributes to the lack of communication skills that a good many children are having problems with.
    3. It is a lot of stimulation and a many children do not know how to enjoy simpler things.
    4. It closes the door on imagination.

    We allowed our oldest the devices and will never allow the rest of our children to have any of their own while living in our home. We have one cell phone and one computer. It is the family's. Anything else just ends up causing issues.

    1. I agree on several points! If my kids went to public school, though, especially after school activities, I would want them to have a cell phone in their teens so that I could get a hold of them and vise versa. Probably with a limited data plan so that they couldn't use it constantly. Also, when they are at the age to drive...I definitely want them to have a way to contact to me if there is a problem with the vehicle. In these ways I see the phone as a tool. Of course, that may mean a limited phone service...texting and just phone calls instead of internet access, maybe?
