Friday, August 8, 2014

Miracle in a Dry Season

Okay, though I'm not a huge Christian romance reader, the cover of Miracle in a Dry Season by Sarah Loudin Thomas drew me in. 

The premise of this book is about a single mother who arrives in a new town trying to escape her past. Being the 1950's, she is judged for not having a husband. Throw in a drought, someone dying from cancer, and some strange phenomenons and it makes for an interesting read.

With that said, it is also confusing. While Perla's previous relationship is hinted at it's never really dealt with. Yet, from what the story implies, her relationship with a (married?!) man doesn't fit the sweet, kind, caring woman that is portrayed in this story. 

The strange phenomenon is never really explained either and feels more like science fiction than a miracle.

Certain things seem so rushed in the book while others seem to drag on. 

I did like that it wasn't so ooey-gooey, lovey-dovey as many Christian romance books are. It seemed a tad more realistic. 

It kept me entertained, so I found it a book worth reading.

Disclaimer: This book was given to me by Bethany House Publishing in exchange for an honest review.  


  1. You have 3 children, a hubby and a house to take care of and you still manage to read about a book a day. WOW! I have grow children, a hubby and house and am lucky to read a book every 2 weeks. I think maybe I should come live with you. I could get alot more reading done!!

    1. I wish it was a book a day! More like 3-4 a week. But, since I rarely watch television, night time when everyone is in bed is "me time!" when I read. I also manage to sneak a chapter in here or there if I'm on the porch when the kids are playing outside or at a park. We always make time for what we love to do. :)
