Saturday, June 2, 2012

Blast From the Past

I've become conflicted recently on the direction I've wanted to take my blog. Should it be only updates on Jacob? Everything else seems so trivial compared to that. Yet, a whole blog only of updates could get depressing or mundane. Life happens even during cancer, after all, so after much deliberation with myself I have decided to go on as usual. I'll be my random self and talk about whatever is on my mind at the time...whether it be my sweet Jacob or something completely different.

Jacob is feeling good, this time around the nasty cocktail is treating him more kindly. We did have to spend all day at the hospital yesterday getting TPA placed in his hickman line to break up a clot and to get platelet and blood transfusions (his platelets were down to 3 and his Hemoglobin to 6.9!). 3 hours in the van and 6 1/2 hours at the hospital with all three children was an adventure, to say the least! If Jacob's counts continue to rise this week we will be back at the hospital on Friday for another 5 day chemotherapy course and a repeat of the CT scan to see if the nodules have disappeared (please God, let them be gone).

Life at home continues on. Sunshine has made for several days of outdoor fun. Bike rides, working in the garden, sitting on the porch, hanging up laundry, and realizing a renewed love of nature has been our week long activity. We've also done a little garage sailing.

I've started a small collection of vintage Pyrex dishes and had to pick this little dish up for a quarter.

I'm not sure if I'm getting old (well, of course I am, I'm turning 30 this summer!) but I'm loving finding items from my childhood. This green Tupperwear pickle holder got me all excited as I remember eating countless pickles out of one when I was around 4. The three colorful Tupperwear cups are exactly like the ones I drank out of, though I was disappointed they didn't come with the sippy cup lids I remember oh so well. The matching little bowls with lids remind me of the Cheerios that my mom packed in similar ones for my little brother and I to eat in church on Sunday mornings.
The tote was a fun find for $1 and will add some color this summer and even the vintage tablecloth was from a sale.

One of my favorite finds was this hutch which came from a church sale.

As I find items that I love I am hauling items that I don't need/want out of the house. Spring cleaning came a bit late for me this year but I've been hauling bags and boxes of items to the local charity shop. Even the kids are getting on board and going through their toys and books in order to simplify. We are starting to notice a tiny dent in the "stuff" around here and it's freeing!


  1. Elizabeth, I follow your blog because I love hearing about you and your life. That includes all you are going through with Jacob. This is the only way for me to know how Jacob is. Since he is a part of our family's daily prayer life, we appreciate your updates on him. So please do not worry what this blog is or isn't, just write what comes to mind. I have always found what you have to say interesting!

    I love your garage sale finds. Don't you think that things from our past are fun because they bring us security and joy?

  2. I enjoy looking forward to your blog. Just remember that what Jacob is going through affects the whole family, so it is good when you can enjoy normal activities when you can. Love hearing of your frugal hints and ways of doing things. Everybody talks of going green, but have you looked for flat cloth diapers in the store? I had to go to two stores to find some. But they were $12.50 for 10 diapers. Still lots cheaper than the throw away kind.

  3. First of all, I love following your blog. I love reading about your family. Second, I still have those sippy cups and the little bowls with lids. We have friends with little ones and they drink from the cups. Third, girl I love that hutch! I am never that lucky to find those kind of things at sales. Awesome find! I hope that you have another enjoyable week. Take care,

