Thursday, May 24, 2012

Odds & Ends

Jacob and I arrived home Tuesday night after a five day chemotherapy stay. It was the same cocktail that caused a lot of nausea and vomiting, a fever, and bleeding ulcers last time around. So far it is treating him more kindly and we pray that it continues that way.

While at the hospital he had a two month CT scan and unfortunately the results were not what we were hoping for. The scan showed 4 nodules in the lungs. They could be one of two things - the cancer could be progressing even while he is undergoing this chemotherapy (this would be a very bad thing) or it could just be an infection in the lungs. They will repeat the scan in 4 weeks, which means that we won't have any clue what is going on until then. Many prayers that it is a simple infection that is gone by the next scan, please.

Otherwise, we are happy to be at home once again! The weather is beautiful and we have been spending as much time outdoors as possible. Jacob playing on the porch and helping me in the garden. Joe learning to ride his bike which was passed down from Jacob (hoping to find Jacob a new bike at garage sales next week). Becca playing with chalk and playing Littlest Pet Shop on the porch. I've been hanging up laundry, planting, watering, and just soaking up the fresh air. It's good to be home!

Even with the uncertainty of the scans and having the decision of going ahead with the stem cell transplant or not (as long as the scans are clean next month) we are at peace. It's a feeling that can't be explained, especially for someone like myself that has anxiety about everything. We just are. Having complete faith in God is making life that much easier.


  1. You all have been in our prayers. My church has been praying for you too

  2. I will be keeping you and your entire family in my prayers. I will also be praying the scan is clear and only an infection that is cleared up by the next scan.
    God Bless you all and I pray the Loving arms of our Precious Savior around you.
    Carol Ann Singleton

  3. thoughts and prayers go out to your family. i am glad you posted i follow your blog and i was getting VERY worried.. "hugs"

  4. Just keep the faith, Beth and Ben. And enjoy home, sweet, home!!

    Aunt Pat

  5. Enjoy that which is in front of you and the rest will be in God's hands. I have several prayer circles working for your highest good. As always, Love, Light and Healing Prayers

  6. We are praying for Jacob everyday! We will continue! Glad you posted! I check in everyday. Many blessings and continued peace!

  7. Still thinking of you and your family. Enjoy the simple things in life while at home. Soak up the sun while hanging out the clothes. Enjoy the dirt under your fingernails. And mostly, enjoy your children. Listen to them laugh and even fight. These are the things that will keep you going through the hard times.

