Saturday, March 17, 2012


Within the midst of bad news, we have been savoring the simple moments.

Trips to the fish hatchery.

Stops for ice cream.

Piles of books from the library for bedtime stories.

Sunshine on our faces.

The first day of wearing shorts.

Digging in the dirt.

Hikes with daddy.

Weeks like we've had lately only confirm that it truly is the little things that count.

Jacob starts treatment on Monday. He will have all his baseline scans, a hearing test, and be in the hospital for his 5 days of chemotherapy. We will then go home and in about two weeks when his counts bottom out and just begin to rise again, we will then head back to the hospital for his stem cell harvesting.

My dad is still in ICU but should be able to be moved to a regular room tomorrow, and should be coming home on Monday or Tuesday. Tests confirm that he had a massive heart attack and that his heart function is at about 50% at the moment. Doctors expect those numbers to rise in the coming weeks but it will be a long road to recovery for him.

Count your blessings today - there is always something to be thankful for.


  1. I am so glad that amidst all the mayhem you have been through that you can savor some good moments of life. May the sun shine upon you in the days to come!! God Bless you and your family, your Aunt Pat

  2. At times it feels like we can not take one more step but when we can find something to be greatful for it allows us to breathe and take that step - I walk beside you even when I am not near you. Love, light and blessing to you. You and yours give me life, love and hope...

  3. Aunt Pat - While I have my moments, I've come to find that a positive attitude makes all the difference. I could give in to my self pity, but we would still have to go through this. So I've chosen to look on the bright side - and it makes it much easier to handle things!

    Grace - thank you so much for your support. It is the thoughts and prayers that are holding us together - literally!!

  4. You are right, there is always something to be thankful for. I really want to take our son to a fish hatchery. I've heard a few parents talking about them on their blogs and I can't remember going to one since I was a child. You've given me a task!

  5. The kids love the fish hatchery! Now that we've gone several times they get bored once their little cup of food is gone, but luckily we live within 10 miles of one so we can take a quick trip there, feed the fish, and head back home! Your boy will love his first trip there!

  6. Thinking of you all. Praying for your dad, and prayers for Jacob and his treatment starting tomorrow.
    Kim in VA
