Thursday, March 22, 2012

Chemo - Day 4

Today starts Jacob's 4th day of chemo...second time around, that is. He's been doing well. No nausea or vomiting, though yesterday he was more picky about food and didn't eat as much as usual.

He's been spending time in bed - watching television, playing his Nintendo DS, playing games, or working with the tutor here at the hospital. I've been working on getting him out of his room more as well, so he went to the carnival that Child Life set up, went to story time, spent time on a craft in the playroom last night, played in the playroom with his brother and sister when they visited (and asked for Becca to come back only minutes after she left - he misses his sister the most when we are all split up during these hospital stays). It's not all medicine and sickness for the kids when they are in the hospital...there are several organizations working together to try to make parts fun for them as well.

We are keeping our fingers crossed that we are able to go home tomorrow evening. We will be back here soon enough to harvest the stem cells, and a few days after that to start another round of chemo.

1 comment:

  1. Just catching up on your blog, I'm sorry to hear about little Jacob again... :( My payers are with your entire family.
