Sunday, May 22, 2011


People are strange. You put some good news on your son's condition on your blog and you lose two followers! It's like "Well, it's not a train wreck any longer so no need to watch!"

It's the bad news on television that garners all the news. It's the horrendous stories that get the attention. When things start to settle down they loose their luster.

Our news was great this week, and I can only thank God for the blessings he has bestowed upon us. It doesn't mean that our journey is over though. There is a long road ahead of us but I am glad that we aren't viewed as a train wreck any longer. I say good riddance to the people who seemed to only watch our progress for the entertainment. And to the rest who weep with us, pray with us, and are here to support us through thick and thin - thank you!


  1. people are idiots :( but rest assured you have never been a train wreck... you are a momma fighting for her baby. i don't comment often but i've been a reader for a long time. your battle is inspiring, your sweet boy is a blessing, and those who don't see that can find plenty of other trainwrecks in blogland!

  2. I would not want anyone for a follower like that anyway! Jacob and your entire family are very inspriing and I have never thought you a train wreck in any way! My prayers are always with you guys!

  3. Definitely don't take it personally. A lot of people drop following when they don't see comments back on their own blog. I'm sure it's not the good news that drove them away. Plus, good news trumps all, right!?!

  4. I have noticed the same thing on Face book....people will just randomly remove a person from their friend list. It usually isn't personal, just one of those things that happens in the impersonal cyber world. I'm so glad that you finally have some great news to celebrate about. I will still continue to keep you in my prayers as your family forges on with this cancer fight. Hang in there...and know that there alot of people STILL thinking of you all and sending warm thoughts and virtual hugs! I hope that you have safe travels upon your return home from this hospital stay.

  5. Thankful for the wonderful news!

  6. The world is a strange place, but it always has been. Rejoice in your great blessings! We are so very happy that Jacob is doing so well. We will continue to pray for the good to continue!

  7. I know! Isn't that goofy! Axel was discharged from the hospital (in a halo!) and my hits dropped from 650 to 300. LOL It's the internet version of ambulance chasing I guess. Anyway, I'm still hanging out here, we were just busy with our own medical crisis (Axel's spinal fusion and trying to find our new normal as we re-teach him how to walk, eat, etc.) and haven't commented much ANYWHERE.

  8. We are so happy that Jacob is doing so well!! What a blessing! We are still keeping you in our prayers and that God will continue to heal Jacob!

  9. It was sooooo good to hear!
