Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Update

Jacob's ANC is now up over 1,400 so more than enough to start chemo. We are now situated in our room and just began hydration.

The nurse reviewed the scan with me and it IS good news! As of now there is no evidence of cancer! The tumors in the lungs are it's as good as it gets! It's such good news that being in a double room again isn't even getting me down. :)


  1. Praise God! That is glorious news! I'll keep up the prayers here - it's amazing how He answers them!

  2. That is amazing news! Such an amazing little boy you have! I will keep praying for you and your family! Jacob, you go little guy keep doing your thing!

  3. Congratulations! That is wonderful news!

  4. Praise God! I have been following your blog from just before Jacob was diagnosed, and am so thankful to hear that the cancer is gone!
