Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tuesday's Topic (A Day Late!)

Are you looking forward to the Royal Wedding or are you sick of hearing about it? Your thoughts on all the hoopla surrounding it?


  1. I think it's nice to have something beautiful and happy to celebrate. The news has so much negative stuff to report that it's a bit like taking a break.

  2. I am looking forward to the event itself. But sick to death of the beat up by the media. Every little thing or thought seems to become the latest "secret" to make a story about. At least that is how it is here in Australia. But it is the same with every story these days. They do it to death.

  3. I just do not understand why anyone outside of England cares about it. It is of no interest to me. I'm not opposed to them nor do I dislike them - it's just not anything to do with me.

  4. Not interested in the least. I have no idea why it is a world wide event!

  5. I am so tired of hearing about it. I'm writing a blog post on Friday celebrating that it's finally over.

  6. I'm tired of hearing about it. I have to echo what Sheila said - not sure why anyone outside of England cares - its not going to have any effect on me.

  7. I really could care less, I have no interest in it and didn't even know it was this week until I read a few people's blog posts. I'll be happy when it's over!

  8. I love weddings and love pictures. The concept of a fairy tale wedding is exciting. That said I in no way envy them. I am more than happy with my anonymous and free to do what I want existence. Ok fine I would enjoy a maid and Kate's clothing allowance! :)
