Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sleeping Beauty...Or Not!

We arrived home yesterday evening after a four day chemo treatment in the hospital. 12 down, 8 more to go!

This was one of our worst hospital stays yet. Not only because it was over a holiday weekend and we were missing home but because of the musical rooms/roommate game that went on at the hospital.

When we arrived on the floor we got settled in a room with a younger roommate. We started to get comfortable when we were told that we needed to move to the room next door.

Off we went to the new room, with an older roommate. This boy was recently diagnosed and just began treatment so his mother and I had a good talk. Later that afternoon the boy was discharged and we had the room to ourselves.

Sunday morning at 4am the nurses started moving a crib into the room. An hour later they came back and switched it to a bed. At 6am we got our new roommate. We were a little grouchy that day due to a disrupted sleep. By Saturday night that boy was able to go home and we were thrilled at the thought of the room to ourselves for the night.

Monday morning at 2am our new roommates arrived...with gusto! Beds were slammed into walls as they tried to maneuver in. Soon enough the family was asleep but both parents snored like freight trains. Needless to say, little sleep was gotten that night and we were so happy to be able to leave the hospital at 2pm!

I don't know why the hospital arranges rooms like this and know that it is no one's fault but the systems but I am praying and hoping that our next 4 day hospital stays sees us with our own private room. It makes the stay 100% more comfortable.

Jacob is doing well. No nausea or other issues except his Hemoglobin was once again low so he needed another blood transfusion yesterday morning. That has happened every time he has received this cocktail of drugs so I suppose it is to be expected with the next two of these cocktails that he receives. He was able to go on two Easter egg hunts at the hospital and spent several hours in the playroom making pictures and crafts for his siblings (he even made one for the dog!).

We will be coloring eggs later today and having our Easter tomorrow or Thursday.

We slept for close to 12 hours last night...we were just that tired!

It's good to be home again!


  1. glad you are home again~hate that you had problems w the hospital rooms!

  2. I can not imagine sharing a hospital room. glad you are home

  3. Oh I feel so bad for you! The hospital we use most has all private rooms, but the hospital where Axel is having his surgery next month are all double occupancy. I've been spoiled by our own hospital! And, I hate to say it, my husband I are both snorers. Not much we can do about it. All the more reason to pray we don't have a roommate so they don't have to put up with us!

  4. I hate the double rooms as well, so I feel for you. This past stay we had a roommate for 3 of the 5 days, but she was quite a bit older and quiet. We had a bad experience at the end of the 1st stay though. I think that what we are going through is difficult enough without having to be uncomfortable while our babies are being treated! I also know it's futile to play the blame game, I just wish they could figure out something better. I hope you all have a wonderful week!
