Sunday, January 2, 2011

Nothing Much

There isn't much to report here as we are in limbo, waiting until tomorrow to start treatments. We are still researching the clinical trials and leaning towards one which is much like the standard treatment, but may give him a boost that he desperately needs. I don't like to talk statistics, because Jacob is not a statistic, but the Wilm's unfavorable histology tumor at stage 4 does not have good statistics. So using a trial that may boost the treatment sucess could be a very good thing. Please continue to pray for our direction in this matter. Tomorrow we must decide the final decision so we have lots of questions to ask the doctors.

Jacob is still thriving being at home. Unless you were to notice all the incisions on his body, or the lump on his chest that is the metal port, or his wouldn't even realize that this boy went through surgery just two weeks ago. He isn't eating as much as I'd like so I'm giving him nutrional shakes between meals and feeding him all the foods that I know he likes. I worry about his small little body withstanding all this treatment. He is a fighter though.

I'm amazed with all the help and support that we have been getting from friends, family, and even strangers. Thank you all.


  1. Elizabeth, I continue to hold your family close in my prayers. I know how hard the decisions are. When I went through this with my husband I found one thing so important. Get a copy of all his reports and tests. From the Drs.,hospital,test results etc. I made a note book and it went where we did. It was a smart thing for us. As many times they would say ..oh we need to do this. I would say no we don't here is the report. Saved us so many return visits and testing. I know it sounds daunting but I was praised by his cancer team for doing just that. They have to give you a copy. Just ask. Unfortunately you soon learn the lingo and it can be very helpful for their care. Hugs to you and yours. The help from others is simply God blessing you while you walk through this journey !! Hugs to you and yours !! Kristy aka eggfarmgirl at MJF

  2. Beth - you & Jacob and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers every single day. I appreciate the updates. I hope things go as well as they can. I wish there was more I could do. If there is anything, let me know.

  3. Prayers are continuing for all of you. Praying for guidance for you all to the treatment that is right for Jacob. Hopefully you'll get all of your questions answered tomorrow and will be able to go into this treatment well informed and comfortable. It's hard preparing him for what he's about to go through when you don't even know. Here's to Jacob kicking cancers butt!!!!!
    Kim in VA

  4. Good luck tomorrow, Jacob sounds like a fighter. Will keep y'all in our prayers.

  5. Elizabeth,

    I am praying for your little guy, his sins...your entire family. Tomorrow will go well. We say that out loud and we believe it to be WILL go well! I may have mentioned this before, I am a peds oncology nurse (entering my 23rd year). It never cases to amaze me, this courgage, strength and resilience of kids who are treated fir cancer. Jacob will astound you with what he is capable of. Time anytime again he will astonish you with his couage, grace and will his sibs BTW. God bless you tomorrow...each of you!

  6. You will all be in our thoughts and prayers as you start the next leg of your journey today. May you feel the presence of God beside you guiding you and strengthening you.

  7. You were on my mind today- please know that you are being prayed for!!!!!!!
