Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cancer Sucks

My brain is mush tonight. We just arrived home after having been gone since yesterday morning. We decided on the UH-1 study for Jacob's treatment, which should hit this cancer fast and hard (with extra radiation and higher doses of chemo and one added chemo drug) but doesn't seem so experimental.

Jacob had his first radiation treatment yesterday and his second today, which means he has just 6 treatments left for the lungs and 9 left for the abdomen. He had his first dose of chemo last night and we stayed in the hospital overnight to keep him hydrated enough, since many of these drugs can do lots of damage without the right hydration. Next week and the week after we won't have to stay overnight for the chemo but in week 4 we will need to stay 4 days. One chemo treatment down, 29 weeks to go.

I learned a lot today. A lot about blood counts and infections. How to give my son a shot (he will be needing a daily shot, which helps improve his blood counts...and I'm the one to do it), and loaded up at the Pharmacy. I couldn't believe it when I went to get his medications and they brought what looked like a grocery bag to the counter...filled with what he will be taking. The shot alone costs $250 for just two days, and he will be needing this almost daily for a year. Luckily, insurance will be covering much of these expenses. There is also several good hospital programs so it was a relief to have a chat with the social worker today and find out several options that will be of help to us.

Jacob has done so well through everything. No throwing up after chemo, so I hope it will stay that way. He was a bit more whiny today but it has to be from the fact that they made him get up every two hours last night to monitor his urine (not fun!). You know what else isn't fun? Watching my little boy go through so much and still try to put on a brave face. Hearing him utter "I have cancer?!" in disbelief when he realized what was going on, because the only experience he has with cancer is his great grandma who passed away just two months ago (it was heartbreaking having to explain to him that he does indeed have this but that this situation is totally different). Being in a double room (I didn't even know they had those anymore!) and having a roommate. Or trying to sleep in a recliner for several hours before giving up and crawling into bed with a 5 year old who is hooked up to different iv lines. Or only eating three pieces of bacon and a chocolate chip cookie that I scrounged from Jacob's meal because it was just too busy with meetings and appointments and caring for a little boy to even find time to run to the cafeteria. I sure scarfed that McDonald's Value Meal down on the way home this evening! You know the motto "Cancer Sucks"...it's completely true.

It's good to be home. We will be heading back three more times this week for radiation and meeting with the oncologist nurses again, but shouldn't have to be inpatient again for a few weeks (knock on wood). There's no place like home.


  1. I'm glad you're home and he's doing well! I agree completely, cancer does suck, and it's so much worse when it's a child. My niece was diagnosed with AML when she was 5 months old. It's normally a cancer that elderly men get, the statistics for children were basically nonexistent. They treated aggressively and she went into remission roughly eight months later.

    I'm keeping Jacob in my thoughts and prayers. I hope he keeps doing well with the treatments.

  2. OH honey. I am glad you are home as well. Prayers for Jacob continuing to weather the chemo well!!

  3. Cancer does suck. Praying for you all.

  4. Cancer does suck ! No way over it or around that fact. You are on a journey that will bring many highs and lows. There is no way around that either during his treatment. My prayer is for you to hold on tight to those high times and lean on God through the lows. My prayers continue! Blessings and a big Sister hug from Kansas... Kristy

  5. I'm glad you are home. I'm praying for your strength and for optimal success in this treatment. Praying for peace and comfort for him.

  6. I'm glad you're home and have the treatment decisions behind you for now. I hope his treatments go as well as possible. Constant thoughts and prayers!

  7. Hi Elizabeth, I have followed your blog for a while now & I am usually just a lurker & don't leave a comment, but I really just wanted to say something to wish you guys well, theres no harder job as a mum than to watch your child suffer & not be able to fix everything for them. Reading your posts I am in awe of how brave & honest you are, I am thinking of you & sending some big positive aussie thoughts & hugs your way.

  8. PRAYING FOR YOU ALL STILL!! Lean on the Lord for your strenght and he will give it to you.

  9. We continue to pray for Jacob and your familiy daily. Cancer does suck! It is hard to find someone who has not experienced in some way first hand. How awfully that it has become a disease that is common now! Keep up your courage! I know that you are being an awesome mom! God bless you and yours with peace, wisdom, and courage!

  10. I haven't visited your blog in a while and stopped in today. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    This reminded me of listening to my sister when my niece was fighting leukemia at the age of 3. She is now going on 13! You are right - Cancer does suck and sometimes the treatments suck more!! That being said, be strong, take care of yourself as well as your son, and keep praying as we will too.

  11. You and your family have been on my mind and in my prayers so much in the past couple of weeks. Cancer does suck... And, I'm so sorry that your family is facing that reality so harshly right now. Continued prayers!

  12. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.I am so sorry you and your family are having to go through this.

  13. Beth, I am so glad that you are home now. I was wondering how Jacob's body responded to the first treatments, and all things considered it sounds like it went okay. I will be thinking of you as you travel back and forth this week. Still praying, hoping, and sending hugs and blessings your way.

  14. So glad that you are home. Thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope that everything goes well for Jacob.


  15. Elizabeth , you are right, cancer sucks big time, most of my family has succumbed to one type or other. My thoughts, hugs and prayers are with you, Jacob and your family. May you find comfort in simply being home and together again.


  16. Praying for you and yours, mama. Cancer sucks.

    Praying hard.

  17. We love you Beth! Be sure to take care of yourself----you need to keep up your strength and cope. I will be calling to check on you this week!!
