Monday, November 29, 2010


Two matching pairs of mittens.

I brought our hats and mittens out of storage last week to wash and dry them. It's been cold here for awhile but my children will not wear hats or mittens unless it is totally freezing outside or if they plan to play in the snow (which we have not received yet, knock on wood). It's pretty good weather around here if we aren't wearing hats or mittens yet at the very end of November.

I seemed to have gotten off track. My point is that when I pulled the hats and mittens out I realized that neither boy has a matching pair of mittens/gloves. Mittens are like socks in this house...they seem to just disappear. I don't know how it happens because I even have a good system in storing our winter outerwear (stay tuned for this exciting storage solution...or, uhm...don't, as it isn't really that exciting but I'll show it to you anyway!).

Mittens are now on my shopping list. Let's just hope we don't have to use them for awhile yet.

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