Saturday, November 27, 2010


My mother-in-law is the queen of leftovers. She saves most of everything leftover and sticks it in the fridge for later use. I have a lot to learn from that as I always give everything less than a serving to the dogs. Lazy and wasteful on my part.

My in laws were here for a visit this past week. After they left on Wednesday I was busy preparing Thanksgiving goodies for the next day and didn't feel like cooking much of anything else. When lunch time arrived I looked in the refrigerator and felt a bit overwhelmed seeing all the bits and pieces of food that my mother-in-law had put away. Not ungrateful, mind you, as it was a lot of food and worth saving. I just didn't know what to do with it all.

There was leftover cooked ground beef from the tacos, along with diced onions and shredded cheese. On the counter was a tomato that needed using up sooner rather than later. I looked in the cupboards and saw some whole wheat tortillas and decided to make a breakfast burrito.

I sauteed the onion and tomato in some butter and threw the ground beef in right before it was done. I put that into a bowl and scrambled up some eggs in the same skillet that I had sauteed the onion mixture. I threw the onion mixture back into the eggs when they were finished and sprinkled some cheese over it all. I then put it into the tortilla and folded it up.

We all enjoyed it this way. There was a bit of the egg mixture left in the skillet so I ate the rest of it as I would eat scrambled eggs...with a bit of ketchup on it. Yummy!

This is teaching me to save all those little scraps. It reduces food waste and also makes the grocery bill lighter. Sorry'll have to look elsewhere for leftovers now!

Following: Penniless Parenting


  1. Good for you.

    You can save a lot of money just by saving leftovers.

  2. I have the hardest time using up leftovers too. I never can think of anyway to use them, but the breakfast burrito was a really good idea!

  3. Wonderful breakfast idea and a great way to use up leftovers. I always think that wraps are a great way to use up leftovers. Love the Sponge Bob plate.

  4. Oh great idea! I hope your tortillas were homemade. :-D Just kiddin! I always like creative leftover uses; this one rocks!
