Friday, August 6, 2010

I'm In Love & Reader Updates

I'm in love, love, love with a new shower cleaner that I ran across. Moderate Means showcased this cleaner a few weeks ago and it looked like it worked so well that I had to give it a try.

My natural and homemade cleaners work well on almost everything except my shower/tub. That is a whole other story. With three dirty kids bathing/showering nightly and a hubby who sometimes gets filthy at work who then gets clean at home my tub and shower surround get a beating. The soap scum never fully comes off and in a tiny bathroom with poor ventilation there seems to be a little mold spore or two (or millions) growing around the base of the surround. Considering that the tub/surround are just a few years old one would guess that it should be fairly easy keeping it looking like new but with the abuse stated above it is almost impossible to correct. That is...until now!

Want a natural, safe, inexpensive cleaner that works? Just mix some baking soda with some Dawn dish detergent until you get a paste. Apply with a rough sponge or scrub brush and then scrub. This stuff smells heavenly and works, works, works! Even my husband noticed the shiny glistening tub when he arrive home from work.

I also tried this on my stove top the other day when I noticed a lot of baked on goo around the burners. It worked like a charm. The possibilities for this cleaner are endless. So that's my frugal tip of the some green and be green with this awesome recipe!

With my birthday yesterday we went out to eat at a Chinese buffet. Total was $17.85. I also picked up some frosting and a watermelon at the store but can't find my receipt right now so will add that to our expenses in the next day or two. I paid our phone/internet which was $51. Our total left for the month right now is $644.80.

Today is Friday, which means updates from the readers that are doing a budget challenge this month. Whether your goal was to save $50 or $500...let us know how your first week went! If you are blogging about it please leave your blog link as well!


  1. First week went well in the sense I was at least aware of my spending (something I am not always). The dentist was $150 :( as was an unexpected vet bill for $20. And I took the kiddos to the fair for $30 but I figure there are only so many fairs per year and we had a blast. Over the next week I hope to buckle down and save even more!
    Chinese food...mmmmm... We would be in trouble if the kids liked it as much as we do. Luckily they dont, so we dont eat it often, as it is pretty expensive in my area.

  2. I'm so glad it worked for you! I love that cleaner :)

    Happy belated birthday!

  3. I so need to try this one! Thanks Elizabeth and Moderate Means!

  4. Wow, great idea! We used the Magic Eraser on the tub and man, that works too. I had scrubbed and scrubbed and couldn't get the "ring" off and yet the Eraser did it without the scrubbing!

    It also works in the shower, but lately my hubby and kids are wiping the shower down with a towel after use, and that is really helping too.

  5. Ok my first week didn’t go so well. My plan is to cut miscellaneous spending by $1000.00 per month. So week one; went out to lunch everyday this week which is horrible for me. I normally go once a week. Paid the maid and gave check for school expenses to Geya. Total weekly miscellaneous expenses about $600.00.

  6. Aunt Pat here- I tried this the evening I read about it- I was in the shower with bare feet using it and your Uncle asked me what I was doing? I showed him the paste and told him about it so he didn't think I was going nuts!! I did wonder how to remove the residue left behind because it contains a soap product; but I got out a new washcloth and had a spritzer bottle handy and think I got it all off. It was nighttime so it was hard to tell if there was a lot of difference. But I proceeded to try to use up the paste mixture; so scrubbed our kitchen sinks and it worked great there. I washed the rest of it down the drain; but it could be put in a tupperware container with a lid; couldn't it? It reminded me of soft scrub.

  7. It probably could be stored in a container, though I've never tried that. I always mix it up in very tiny batches so that I don't waste any of it but I imagine that it would keep fine in a lidded container. If it dries out just add a bit more dish detergent.
    When I washed the shower walls with it I just poured water from a cup on it to rinse it off and it rinsed off quickly with very little suds. A disclaimer might be to make sure it is throughly rinsed before stepping into the shower, as I'm sure the dish detergent could be quite slippery! Glad it worked for you...I love this stuff! I'll be posting more natural cleaning recipes soon!

  8. momstheword- I never thought of the magic eraser working on the tub! I use it on the front and back doors of the house as it is the ONLY thing that takes dirty little finger and hand prints off the door. It truly is a magic eraser! :)

  9. A bit late, but i'm here.
    I have been trying to spend less at the supermarket. It's going well so far. Especially since i sprained my ankle this week and was unable to drive to go shopping!
    I've got a weekly budget of £25 for food, and it seems to be about right. I had run down my cupboards so when a friend took me shopping yesterday I was stocking up on tins and fresh stuff, but even with that I came in about budget.
