Thursday, August 5, 2010


Today was a nice day. Nothing special like birthdays as a child but still a wonderful day. :) My aunt dropped off a little gift this morning that contained the keys to a happy day (chocolate!), my parents gave me the perfect gift of books and stationery, and my hubby took me out to eat Chinese food and gave me a certificate to get my hair done tomorrow.

It is not the gifts that count, of course. The many Facebook messages on my page today and the birthday cards in the mail mean just as much. But there is just a little extra sense of specialness when you realize that your aunt remembers you are a chocoholic (is that a good thing or bad?), or your parents know your love of reading and writing, or your husband realizes that you never spend money on yourself and didn't blink an eye at the price of a cut and highlight.

Speaking of which, my hair appointment is tomorrow. I'm terrified and excited at the same time. Excited because I've never had my hair professionally highlighted and I'm curious to see what it looks like. Terrified because I am choosing a very short pixie cut and I have no idea if I am going to look cute with it, or like a boy! I'll find out soon enough...

I had no desire for a cake this year. I'm not sure why but I just didn't feel like one. I was going to fore go all desserts today but this morning as I rummaged around in a cupboard I found these, which I had kind of forgotten about until now, and decided to make some fun cookies with the kids. As you can see from the photo above, the kids and I are not professional cookie decorators, but we had a lot of fun and these hit the spot so much more than a big piece of cake could have. They even stuck a few candles in the cookies for mommy to blow out!

I'm going to enjoy the rest of my birthday by giving the kids a bath, tucking them in early, and watching a movie with hubby.


  1. Very cute cookies. Sounds like you had a great day.

  2. happy b-day to one of my favorites bloggers!! TX{Erika}

  3. sounds like you had a really great day. happy birthday.

  4. Hope that your birthday was the best yet!

  5. Happy Birthday! I will be excited to see your new hair!

  6. Happy belated birthday!
    I totally hadn't clicked that you are about the same age as me - I was 28 in May. How cool!
