Friday, July 30, 2010

Odds and Ends

With some changes in my hubby's work schedule he is home today (yay for family time) but will be working all weekend. Looking out the window this morning and seeing the dark and rainy skies, I assume we will not be enjoying any outdoor activities today.

My goal this weekend is to make some freezer jam so I am hoping to find some fruit on sale somewhere today. I also plan to bake some goodies using a product that was sent to me for review. More to come about that later!

School starts here on August 16th. I was caught off guard when I learned how early it starts this year, but am calm now that I got all the books ordered yesterday. There is nothing as fun as opening up a box of brand new texts and workbooks! The kids are excited for school to start and this year I will have a 1st grader and a kindergartner.

So for now I need to get everyone dressed and ready for their day (on such a dark day the kids all slept in which was a nice change of pace!) and then get my grocery list written out.

I hope you all have a terrific Friday and enjoy your last weekend of July. This summer sure has gone by quickly!


  1. Liz,

    I have always found one of the perks of homeschooling to be that we don't have to be quite so rigid with our schedule . . . i.e. start days, snow days, etc. . . . since we don't spend such a large part of our day just trying to get everyone quiet, in a straight line, or all on the same page.

    Enjoy them the early years are so sweet!!


  2. School starts here August 12th! I haven't mentioned this on my blog, but I'll be homeschooling this fall, too. My oldest is kindergarten age, so I'm a rookie!

  3. Lola- Yes, there are a lot of perks to homeschooling! With smaller children I find the "book work" to be less than an hour a day, and then many other opportunities throughout the day for hands on learning.
    Chrissy- You will have so much fun!
