Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cluttered Thoughts

Another completely random post starts out with what is on my mind...clutter! Though the picture above is not my house, sometimes it feels like that. I got rid of several boxes of items at our last garage sale and the kids sold several toys (Becca made $18 and Jacob made $8) we still have too much stuff. It may be a never ending battle, as we are a family of five with three small children who are constantly outgrowing their clothing, moving on to different stages of toys, collecting new favorite books, etc. but my goal for this weekend is to fill one bag of items to drop off at the donation center and one bag of clothing to drop off at the clothes closet at the church down the street. With my husband at work all weekend it will be nice to go on a clutter purge and see a tiny difference in the house.

It's a beautiful day today so we are keeping the air conditioners off and opening the windows, after weeks of having the air on. I'm not sure if it has just been an unusually hot and humid summer (seems like it) or if we have gotten used to having the air on, but this is the first time that I can remember that we have had the air on so much. I don't like it...I miss hearing the birds outside and I really dislike the electric bills, which shoot up sky high when the air is constantly running, add to that the 14% increase in costs and I am not a happy camper.

With nice weather comes laundry day! The days in which I can hang out laundry has been few and far between as of late. July has been such a rainy month that I have been using my dryer much more frequently than I would like. Today I will be trying to play laundry catch up. Then again, in a house with kids it is impossible to fully "catch up" on laundry! Wishful thinking, I know!

With everything there is to do today I best get hopping! I need to run a few errands yet this morning before the post office closes as well. Don't forget that tomorrow marks the start of the budget challenge!


  1. Elizabeth,
    I understand! I feel much the same way lately - so much clutter in my mind. Our air has been on a lot this year too. We just turned off the AC last night and it feels fabulous this morning sitting next to my office window hearing the birds once again and feeling the fresh air on my skin.
    Alas, winter is coming, but I'm enjoying this weather very much!

  2. The temps this summer haven't been horrible but every day is very humid. I can't turn off my air like I would like to, as you know, but I sure am looking forward to it. We need to de-clutter really badly, too. Surely we can get rid of something...just not books, right???
