Monday, May 24, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Yesterday we had temperatures in the low 90's. With high humidity to boot. Our grass needed mowing. Hubby said that it was too hot to mow. I did not tell him to mow without his shirt, hoping to watch my shirtless hubby mowing for awhile. Nope, I totally wouldn't say that. I wasn't more than a bit disappointed when he decided to mow, but not shirtless. I was a bit giddy though when he decided to wear a muscle t-shirt while mowing. Hey, a girl has got to get her kicks every chance she can! :)

I was not totally relieved when hubby decided to put the air conditioner in downstairs and upstairs in the kid's room. I did not tell hubby that it was supposed to cool off last night so that we could probably get by with a fan in our window and could put our air conditioner in some other time; only to realize by midnight that it wasn't cooling down and that I felt like I was in a tropical rain forest. I did not jerk my window open as high as it could go and get the pedestal fan and aim it directly at me at midnight in hopes to cool off. It wasn't 2am when I finally feel asleep. I won't be me asking hubby the minute he gets home from work to please put the air conditioner in our bedroom! And I so don't wish that we had central air so that we don't have to go through the putting the air conditioners in/taking them out routine every year. Nope, not me!

I was not a bit confused with the ending on LOST last night. I get most of it really, but so many questions were left unanswered and I feel they rushed the death of Locke/Smoke Monster and still don't get why Jack had a son in the parallel universe (aka purgatory) and the son was even shown this episode but then later Locke tells Jack that he doesn't have a son?! Wasn't confused by that a bit...

On a side note, the giveaway ends this evening! Be sure to sign up and winner will be announced later today!


  1. I have to say that is why I stopped watching Lost. I started getting frustrated with the lack of answers and even when something was answered, I felt like it brought up 10 more questions.

  2. Holy mackeral...I am so glad that I am not alone in the whole LOST thing. I think the ending brought...nothing to the table. Grrr

  3. I also like to spy onmy hubby mowing the lawn. It's fun to watch men being men. :)

  4. I gave up on LOST half-way thru season 2 bc I was tired of being lost when I watched it, lol. We've had heat & humidity where I live, too. Midwest summers are a far cry from the comfy climate of southern CA where I grew up!
