Sunday, July 10, 2016

The 30-Day Faith Detox

The premise sounds good, "Renew your mind, cleanse your body, heal your spirit". With a devotional, physical detox, and recipe each day it does work as a daily encouragement during a 30 day detox. Unfortunately, I was unable to get into the recipes. 

I know that detoxes do take time and effort each day, and Smith reassures us that the foods are real foods found in most kitchens. But the majority of the recipes are smoothies and I just can't get into recipes with raw eggs or such time consuming liquid meals that would only be for myself, making me a short order cook for the rest of the family. 

It seems to me one of those things that looks good on paper but is hard to execute in daily life, at least for me.

 This book was given to me by Chosen books in exchange for my honest review.

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