Saturday, April 2, 2016

Having a Martha Home the Mary Way

I may just be collecting all of Sarah Mae's books, because her third book, Having a Martha Home the Mary Way is just as good as her previous two (Longing for Paris and Desperate -with Sally Clarkson). 

This book will give you 31 days to a clean house and a satisfied soul. Each day gives personal insight into Mae's own life, a daily reading or two with added devotional questions, and a "to-do" list.

While I've been implementing the Konmari method to get my home clutter-free, this book will be helping me with daily tasks that sometimes just feel overwhelming. 

Ultimately Mae convinces us that it is not a clean house that defines good homemaking, but rather a warm, inviting place that is filled with love. 

That is something that most mothers need to hear. I've given up on having a perfect home while the children are small. Especially since we are essentially home 24/7 together and busy with life - our home is lived in and looks it, too. Some days it's cleaner than others. Some days it falls into a category 5 tornado zone. 

That's okay. Mae teaches us to be gentle with ourselves as well as being gentle with others. I want our kids to be comfortable in their own home and not for it to be museum-like. But I also want to be comfortable with inviting someone over on a moment's notice and not be ashamed at the condition of the house. So this book encourages us to give up perfection but also keep up with some expectations of how we want our house to be. A nice, gentle middle ground.

I love Mae's style of writing because she talks "with us", not "down to us". It's a very easy book to follow with short daily chapters and easy to-do lists. 

Now on to cleaning the microwave and refrigerator today. :/ 

This book was given to me by Tyndale Publishing in exchange for my honest review.

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