Monday, September 14, 2015

Our Curriculum

This is my calendar page for the month. I find it so funny. But oh so untrue. Having kids at home 24/7 means more of a mess, not less of one. If only...

This weeks begins week 4 of school and it's going well. For those who asked, we don't use one set of curriculum but rather a mash of different text books and workbooks and I'm finding that I think we've finally hit the mark this year. Everything we are using I'm liking a lot! Some things we do use are:

Handwriting Without Tears for both print and cursive. Did you know a lot of schools are doing away with teaching cursive? That makes me so is someone supposed to read their Grandmother's writing or work in an office if they CAN'T read a style of writing?!

MCP Mathematics is what we use for both children. With added work sheets for additional memorization and help.

Rod and Staff for grammar and spelling.

Catholic Heritage Curricula for Joe's science.

Thinking Kids Complete Year workbooks help to review important information each week with your child. This is a good resource even for those who don't homeschool, it give you a chance to do some fun activities and review with your child during the week.

The rest of our books are a lot of workbooks, school textbooks, supplemental books from the library, and so on. 

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