Monday, August 24, 2015

Not Back to School

This is our back to school picture. Because
1. we would have had to change out of pjs to get a photo 

2. The kids said "we aren't going back to school, we're homeschooled".

3. Everyone but Amy ran away from the camera 

4. The only reason she is carrying a backpack is to take it back to the library. 

The quote in my daily planner today was "Success each day should be judged by the seeds sown, not the harvest reaped." ~John C. Maxwell. Very fitting for the day that we started school. 

On a side note, the first day of school in our house only makes an absence more apparent. A child who would be starting 5th grade. This school year, instead of crying that your babies are starting school, growing up, spreading their wings...thank God for the fact that they are. 

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