Saturday, August 8, 2015

Life, Lately

It's a quiet Saturday morning. Scooby-Doo is playing in the background and my coffee and a blueberry scone are at my side. I'm delaying the real start of the day. Because it involves lots of cleaning and chores. Fun times.

School is starting in a little more than two weeks. So we are trying to soak up the rest of the summer. 

On my birthday I chose to go to a local state park. Nature calls me whenever I feel stressed and is my form of meditation. While the kids and hubby played in the water I basked in the quiet on a blanket on the sand. This photo is a new favorite of mine. 
Sometimes, just sometimes, housework can be beautiful. After spraying the outside of the kitchen window with a hose to get rid of the cobwebs and dirt, I came inside to rainbows, sparkles, and awesomeness. I couldn't resist snapping a photo.
Yesterday several garage sale signs popped up around town so we made several unexpected stops. For under $20 I got all three kids Halloween costumes AND Becca's "big" Christmas present (Each child gets to choose a "want" for Christmas and I know that Littlest Pet Shop is always on Becca's list...a whole box of them for $15? Can't beat that!). There's nothing like being ahead of the game...thanks to another garage sale a few weeks ago I also have Amy's "big" Christmas gift hidden away - two American Girl Itty Bitty twin dolls, with several outfits, for $10! 
The littles had fun trying their costumes on - though Amy screamed any time Joe got near her. Guess his alien costume looks a little too real!


  1. That photo of Amy is a classic. You have a great eye.

  2. All three if those pictures are remarkable! I agree - you have a great eye. We went to yard sales for the first time this summer and had some very nice "finds" as well. Life is good.
