Thursday, January 22, 2015

Brain Splat

*Last week we had such a nice little warm up (if 35 to 40 degrees can be considered warm, which in Iowa in January it can be!). We made the most of it and took daily walks and soaked in the sun. Maybe that can last us until Spring as winter has once again arrived, blanketing us in soft fluffy snow.
*I was amazed that Amy walked to and from downtown herself! She didn't seem to grow tired at all and loved the exercise. Bonus points for the deep sleep she had those nights! 

*In an unrelated note, I just had to buy this hat for Joe when he exclaimed, "I look like a butler!" That boy may have been watching too much Downton Abbey!
*Are there any other Downton Abbey fans here? What are you thinking so far of this season?

*I'm still keeping to my S.O.S challenge (Sick of Stuff). I donated a huge bag and giant box of items yesterday. I sent off a giant box to Swap, which I've had great success selling to (and buying from, oops!). I've taken some spring items into my aunt's consignment shop. I've sold some boutique clothing items on Facebook pages as well. I'd estimate that this month so far I have gotten rid of about 200 items, at least. Yay me! That's way more than the 5 items a day I've challenged myself to. So far so good! 

*I set my reading goal for Goodreads at 75 books for the year. How many books do you think you average a year? Excited to see if I reach my goal! I surpassed my goal last year of 50 books by more than double. So far, 22 days into the year, I am at 5 books. I love keeping track and having a "log" of all the books I read now.


  1. I am a huge Downton Abbey fan. I think there will be some changes coming this year. Will Tom (who I like) go to America? I hope he doesn't end up with that teacher. For someone who is educated, she sure doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut! I think Mary is a spoiled brat. I don't care who she chooses for her next husband. Looks like maybe Cora will have a flirtation or more and who can blame her when she's married to that stuffy Robert! Poor Edith, there will be more to come with her daughter. and hopefully she will find out what happened to her lover. We will have to stay tuned to see what happens. I'm loving every minute of it.

    I hope to read 52 books this year. Haven't started out too well. Reading a book now that's not bad enough to not finish but it's slow going.

    I was wondering about your SOS challenge. You seem to be doing great. I've decided to keep track of what I get rid and the new stuff that comes in. This is only my stuff and household things. So far in January, I've gotten rid of ten things, but 9 new things have come into the house. Not to good!!!

    1. I dislike the teacher so much as well; I can't imagine anyone acting like that in real life. Causing disputes within moments of meeting someone?! It makes Tom seem dumb by putting up with her and even listening to her! And Mary, I never did like her much and like her even less this season! I feel like we aren't seeing a whole lot of the servants this season - just short glimpses...I want more about them!

  2. Great job on the SOS challenge! I've been lightening up lately, too. I'm never going to be a minimalist, but I'd like to at least have a place for everything.

    I used to watch Downton Abbey, but haven't seen the past two seasons. I guess I just lost interest; I intend to catch up someday when I can watch a bunch of episodes in close proximity.

    I've been reading a lot lately, but not tracking very well. I think in the past week I've read four books (although I lost interest about a third of the way through the last one and skimmed to the end). I've got another library book next to me and I've ordered half a dozen more on the Kindle in the past few days. I think this is my way of getting through the dark days of winter, although it has been pretty nice lately so it hasn't been as bad.
