Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Laundry Routine

Laundry is a bit of a no-brainer and I doubt you need a tutorial on how to do yours. But since it's basically the only part of my housework that I have down to an exact science I felt like sharing my routine with you. :)

It's the one chore that I enjoy (except for the putting it away part). 

I have a nice sized laundry room right off the kitchen, which makes this job a little easier. We throw our dirty clothes in a hamper in the bathroom and upstairs, which then gets sorted in a separated hamper in the laundry room. All kids clothes together, all my clothes together, all Ben's clothes together, and then all towels together. I do not separate by color and so far have had no problems because of this.

When one part gets full I do a load of laundry (it averages 1 to 2 loads a day). I wash on cold (except for towels, which gets hot).

In the summer I try to hang out everything on the line, weather permitting. In winter I hang as much as I can on a garment rack which is right across from the dryer in the laundry room. I do this for two reasons. One is that it saves money, by cutting my dryer use in half. Two, I buy certain brands of clothing that just fare better without being in a dryer. Some resale pages I belong to specify no dryer so I get more in return when I do not dry these specific pieces.   

The rack is right in front of a heating vent so these items dry within 12 to 24 hours.

I fold the clothing in the laundry room, pile into a basket, and then get them put away sometime within the week. :) My linen shelf is in the laundry room so towels go directly from the dryer to the shelf, all fluffy and warm. 

Stain control is done in the laundry room. I experiment with different stain removers. Right now my favorite is a squirt bottle with a bit of blue Dawn dish detergent, a bit of peroxide, and the rest water. This seems to get most stains out when spot treated. For ink stains (which we get a lot of around here with a pen loving toddler) my aunt told me about using a bit of hand sanitizer on the spot. It works like a charm!!! I'm loving that tip.

That sums up my laundry routine. What is yours?     

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