Tuesday, October 14, 2014


*It's rainy, grey, and cold. One of the trees outside my window is already bare of it's leaves. It went from green, to yellow, to bare within just a few days. 

*My newest Hip Mama Magazine arrived, with my article in it. :) This is a very radical, alternative parenting magazine, so don't click the link if your senses are assaulted by that type of thing.  

*My children are turning into string beans! All of a sudden the sleeves and length of Becca's shirts are too short. And Joe's jeans have become capris! No wonder they have been eating us out of house and home. 

*Hot tea, candles (today it is Pomegranate Cider from Yankee Candle), and piles of books have been on my "must-do" list! There is an upside to the dreary Fall days. :)

*My S.O.S challenge is still coming along nicely. Another update on that later this week.

*I need to work on another "Favorite Things" post. I'm always finding new favorite things. What is your new favorite thing this month? (Something pumpkin flavored, perhaps?!)

*My Bible Study this week is on friendship. Real friendship. It's a topic I am focusing on for an essay for a book, so came at the perfect time. Funny how that works sometimes, isn't it?

*An article about Jacob, Star Wars, and friends is in a local paper this week.

*Enter to win a copy of my mama's newest book, Refined by Fire,  set to be released next week!

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