Thursday, September 4, 2014

Heaven Touching Earth

How do you review a book that you really wanted to like but just couldn't?  I've read angel and miracle books before so thought I would enjoy Heaven Touching Earth, complied by James Stuart Bell. Over half the stories in the book were what I expected - uplifting stories of Heavenly encounters. 

But, some of the stories made me squirm. Not only were they not in the same mindset of the book, but they seemed too "out there", too fake, too "something isn't right with this story".

Don't get me wrong, I've had my fair share of Heavenly experiences and I may not even believe them had they not happened to me. 

A blob on the bed? An imp that wants to cut you? Slithering on the floor like a snake with glowing red eyes? They don't seem to fit in with "angels, miracles, and Heavenly encounters".

Not only that, but I've now grown weary of people who credit miraculous healing based on solely believing that God WILL heal you. This is a slippery slope, one that makes some believers turn away from God when they aren't healed. Healing happens in the worst of circumstances sometimes, and is a miracle, but to preach that believers will be healed if only they ask is not Biblical, nor realistic, nor wise. For example, the chapter where a woman was asked "Have you prayed for healing?" and she responds "no!" as though she never even thought of that, goes on to pray, and is immediately healed. 

Yep. These are the stories that bothered me in this book. Had it been complied differently, stayed on track, I think I would have thoroughly enjoyed this book.

Disclaimer: This book was given to me by Bethany House Blogger Program in exchange for an honest review. 

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