Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Drops of Awesome

We all want to be more awesome, so when I saw Kathryn Thompson's Drops of Awesome "The You're More Awesome Than You Think Journal" I had to have it! 

It's an amazing journal filled with 40+ prompts to help you discover your inner awesome. This would make a wonderful gift for yourself or any teen or woman in life. 

Because life is hard. And speaking from my point of view, teenage journals, mother's journals, can be filled with angst. It's easy to write down the bad things that happened during the day. This journal helps you fill it with your awesomeness! 

"Every time you do something good, something kind, something productive, it's a Drop in your Bucket of Awesome."  

 Look how awesome it is inside! Who wouldn't want to sit and journal about their awesomeness within these pages?!

We can all use encouragement and writing down the good things about ourselves, the good things about our days, the good things about our life help us focus on just that - the good!

There are words of wisdom throughout this journal and some great thoughts to ponder. I'm excited to get to work and make myself more awesome than I already am. ;)

Disclaimer: This book was sent to me by Familius Publishing in exchange for my honest review. You can see more or order this book through Amazon 


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