Monday, August 4, 2014

Framing Faith

I'm glad that I picked up Framing Faith by Matt Knisely, even though I thought it would only apply to photographers. I was quite surprised at how much I got out of it. 


Slow down.

Be present.

The moment matters.

"In a world moving way too fast, Framing Faith is a book for people to focus their lives, to find a deeper knowledge of God, and a more authentic Christian faith."

I enjoyed how Matt brings up the good, as well as the bad, about our digital world. It's wonderful in this day and age to be able to tell our stories so easily, to capture moments so swiftly on camera, to share items immediately on Facebook. But it's also a form of distraction.

On page 12 he writes, "When it comes down to it, technology has created a culture of distraction, keeping us stimulated by things that don't really matter."

Or page 15 where he writes about the constant access to texts and internet where we ignore those right in front of us. "My digital connections are more important than the people in front of me..." is the message that we send to people when we are immersed in technology.

It's not just about technology, but rather how to make the most of our time to be present in the present but also how to capture it all. 

For example, take someone's Pinterest board. It tells a lot about the can get an idea of their hobbies, their views, their styles. But is it what the person is or who they wish to be? And are they so busy pinning that they aren't actually doing any of it?

Are we living vicariously through Facebook posts without actually living our own life? 

How does God fit into all this? What does He want for our life?

This is a stop and think book. It was a pretty easy read, though towards the end I did feel like the analogy for photography to everything in life became a bit old. All in all a great book!

Disclaimer: This book was given to me by BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review. 


  1. It's only a distraction if each individual allows it to be. Plus, group selfies are fun. We gotta stop taking life so seriously.

    1. He actually mentions that in the book as well...the fact that technology is in our hands to do with it as we please.
