Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Refined by Fire

I've been waiting for what seems like forever to get my hands on my mom's latest book Refined by Fire by Mary Potter Kenyon and was so excited when she gave me an advanced reader's copy.

This book is the story. The story of her walk through grief. Grief of losing a mother, a husband, and a grandson all within the span of three years.

How does one pull themselves up from the pit of despair after three immense losses? How does one thank God for the gifts of these sweet souls in our life when they were taken so soon? Basically, how does one go on, without three of the most important people in their life?

As her daughter, I've also experienced this tragic loss. My Grandma, my dad, and my sweet son all in three years. And as I watched my own mother change, grow, and turn to God it's helped me with my own grief.

Unfortunately, life is filled with pain. We all, some time or another, will lose someone special to us. Grief is a normal, albeit sad, part of life. There must be answers on how to get through the darkest times with hope and happiness on the other side.

While I may be a bit biased, I feel this book is perfect for anyone who has lost someone. It may be her own personal story, but I'm sure it mirrors many of our own situations.

"In the midst of the darkness of loss, I found light. Admittedly, in those first weeks, it might have been but a single small spark I sensed deep inside of me, but that spark guided me in the twisted, dark journey of grief. As I stumbled over the roots of hopelessness and despair, that light grew to illuminate my path, a path I sometimes felt very alone on. At some point in the journey I'd turned around, and there was God. 
That is grace."

It brought me to tears again and again, as well as my husband. While it was also our story, as this grief is our grief, I think anyone who has lost someone will feel their own pain as they read, and also feel the hope that this book brings.

It's release date is not until October 21, 2014 but you can pre-order a copy from Amazon and it will be shipped when released.

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