Friday, July 25, 2014

Brain Splat

Today is the last day of Vacation Bible School. Joe had to miss it yesterday since he was feeling sick but was happy to be able to make it on the last day. It feels so strange having just Amy for almost 3 hours each morning. It gives me a taste of what it would be like if the two oldest were in school. I'm not going to lie, I really like the more quiet house and it is so much easier. Seriously, these mornings have felt like a vacation!

I've been looking for fabric to make curtains for the kitchen for months now. And I just happened upon this awesome IKEA fabric at the thrift store in town. For $2 for what appears to be 2 yards or more! It's thick and perfect!! I hope to get that project done this weekend. 

Speaking of fabric, but related to another topic, what is your favorite stain remover for clothing? My kids are messy and I'm not liking my usual "go to's" for stain removal, especially for Amy's clothing. I've actually ruined a couple outfits trying to get stains out recently. Anything gentle that works wonders?


  1. I swear by Shout Advanced stain scrubber! I buy 3-4 at a time when on sale + coupon because I go through so much of it with my messy kids!

    1. Is this available at Walmart?

    2. Yes I've always found it at Walmart and just recently Target started carrying it (on sale at Target this week for $2.98! It's the gel in blue scrubber bottle.

  2. I use Dawn dishwashing liquid. The blue one. It works great.

    1. I love Dawn for grease spots, but it doesn't seem to cut it for other stains, it seems.
