Monday, May 26, 2014

This Week

*We went from frost a week ago to hot and muggy conditions this weekend. We finally broke down and put the air conditioner in downstairs (upstairs will need to wait until tomorrow) and it's finally starting to cool off in here.
*Somehow the screens on the side of the air conditioner, protecting us from the elements, got ripped while in storage. It took me a minute to figure out how to fix the situation but then I grabbed a roll of my decorative Duck Tape and went to town on it. It actually looks pretty cute, especially from far away. My air conditioner is pretty now. :)

*I had a garage sale last week. At my house. Alone. Well, my husband was home one day but the other I was on my own for the most part. And it worked out well. The kids were big help. I managed to get rid of lots and will use the money that I made throughout the summer at garage sales I visit. In a way, it feels like swapping stuff. Things I don't need for things I do. What was left I packed away and hauled off to donate so my house is free of all that stuff! The kids even made about $20 each, stuck half in their bank account, and are saving the other $10 for summer garage sales as well.

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