Thursday, May 8, 2014

Square Foot Gardening

Has anyone here done square foot gardening? I've finally decided to follow it this year and have my garden squared off and most of it planted. I'm curious to see how well it does.
A very helpful site I found by googling was Gardner's Site. It has directions on how to plant a square foot garden or how to plan your own. I've decided to plan my own but used ideas from their site which made it much easier this first time.

Since we've signed up for the CSA for bi-weekly boxes I hope to supplement the rest of our diet with my own garden and an occasional trip to the farmer's market.

How are your gardens growing? 


  1. In Chicago the planting season begins May 15th so I will be buying my plants this week-end. I'm growing kale, Swiss chard, collards, tomatoes, green peppers, and potatoes. I'm not using the square foot garden but my parents do and it does very well each year.

    1. I am probably in the same planting zone as you and shouldn't have planted some things so early but like to take chances...just in case we have nice weather and I can get a jumpstart on growing!
