Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sarah's Choice

Sarah's Choice by Rebecca St. James and Nancy Rue is a modern day story about something that many young women have to face: an unexpected pregnancy and falling away from God when He doesn't do what we want. While it is a fiction book it is interesting reading from the woman's point of view her thoughts and feelings as she thinks about abortion or keeping the baby.

Even with the deep subject matter it was an easy read and I finished it in just one weekend. One thing I didn't like about the book was the "Ebenezer Scrooge" aspect of the book...Sarah has three visions in the book and while the first two seemed somewhat realistic the third left me wondering why the book had to turn so far-fetched. It tuned the story upside down and made things less realistic. I think it makes a young girl/woman in this exact situation not relate so much to the book anymore. The mother of Sarah also came across as weak and preachy and not very likeable. I'm not sure if that was the intent of the authors or not.

Regardless of that, it was a book that brings up a tough subject in a not-too-deep type of way. The fact that she contemplates abortion in a Christian book brings the subject to light and it also brings to light women who have had abortions without being too judgmental. I feel this book was written with love for any woman facing an unplanned pregnancy.

Disclaimer: This book was given to me by BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review.

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