Friday, May 16, 2014


Just this morning as I logged onto the computer I felt a sadness about this blog. My inspiration has left me. My motivation is not there (not only when it comes to my blog but most things in life at the moment). I wondered what would become of it as my readers dwindle and if it was possible to resurrect it.

After lunch the kids and I stopped at the charity shop and found a lovely magazine about Journaling (total eye candy for a lover of paper!). On the very first page was an advertisement for a magazine titled Artful Blogging.  
I did a quick search to see if it was still in print (it is!) but I'm not willing to pay $14 per issue. So I bid on one on Ebay. Maybe this is the inspiration I need - and it couldn't have come at a better time!

So, help me out here, what do you most enjoy seeing on my blog? What keeps you around?


  1. I LOVE reading about your subscription boxes! I'm on the waitlist for Ipsy (through your link) and I even found one for my cat... it's called Purr Packs and is completely adorable. I hope you keep blogging!

  2. I like the family updates and subscription boxes.

  3. I love the updates on how things are going and the book reviews.

  4. I love the family updates. I also loved your budget challenges and recipes

  5. I enjoy seeing your thrift store purchases and budget posts as well...Anything frugal minded...I hope you keep blogging! Melody

  6. I like your family updates best and second I love seeing before and after pictures/reading about projects wether it's creating something, organization, cleaning, etc.

  7. Would love to read more about homeschooling.

  8. I enjoy family updates and when you talk about living on a budget. I need help with living within our means!

  9. I agree with Jess! I hope you continue to blog as I do read and enjoy your blog
