Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Catching Up

Yesterday, after my frantic post, I decided to get a start on my to-do list and was able to check off organizing the kids clothing drawers and pulling out of storage some summer items. It's difficult to do this in spring as we need both warm and cold weather clothing and our closets and drawers are stuffed to the seams because of this but I was able to get some things put away and some things put out.

It wasn't easy, as Amy is incrediably crabby and clingy right now. That is such a stress, especially when my husband is working odd hours this week and gone into the early evening. Luckily, it has also been warm and sunny the past few days (though not today) so we've been able to spend time outdoors, which is one thing that makes Amy happy. 
Once my mom picks Joe up for his storytime this morning I plan to sit down and write out a new budget. I'll get my husband on board this evening and then we will work on sticking with it.

I had great plans to get caught up on schoolwork this week but alas, Becca wakes up with a sore throat and runny nose. Which means she is also incredibly crabby and doesn't feel like doing extra today. The nice thing about homeschooling is that we aren't on a time crunch. We can go through the summer if we need to. We can work on weekends if we want. We can double up on work one day or take off another day if we need to. We have options.

Life. It happens.


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