Monday, May 12, 2014

A Life of Miracles

I chose this book based strictly on the cover and the title. A Life of Miracles by Don Schulze looked and sounded good.

I was about to put the book down after the first few chapters. Something about it disgusted me. I'm glad I decided to finish it as there is a message within it, but the book still doesn't sit right for me.

The writing is good. The storyline is compelling and I like how each miracle throughout Don's life is a different chapter. That makes for easy reading.

I couldn't get past the "ask and you shall receive" mentality. Don't get me wrong, I've experienced many miracles in life that most people wouldn't believe or just shake their head and mutter "coincidence" at. I KNOW that God provides for us and have experienced it time and time again.

With that said, several times throughout this book the attitude was "I told God he would need to do it this way or tell my wife the same thing". Told was a reoccurring theme. As was healing - Don only needs to lay his hands upon someone, pray, and they are usually healed. He goes so far to basically say that if your faith is strong enough God will do whatever you pray for. This is the part of the book that disgusted me - he even healed his dog after a car accident by "Sheba, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, put that leg down and walk!" Does anyone else just get a creepy feeling from this? That feeling continued throughout the whole book.

The mentality of God loves me better because I have strong faith is what I took away from the book. It makes me sad, really, because if everything that happened in the book is true it really is a life of miracles but came across as high and mighty and not able to happen to the average person. The message will be lost on most people who had to suffer when God's will doesn't turn out to be their own.

Disclaimer: This book was given to me by Tyndale Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

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