Wednesday, April 16, 2014


While Twirl by Patsy Clairmont is listed as Religion/Christian Life/ Woman's Issues I think of it more as a devotional as it made me stop. think. dwell. Patsy doesn't shove verses down our throat or tell us how to feel but rather asks us to discover our own feelings/thoughts with some fun questions at the end of each chapter. (Which I'm asking one each day on my Facebook page and am curious of your answers, so join in!)   

A Fresh Spin At Life on the cover is what drew me in. I kept this book on my bedside table and read a few chapters each day while nursing Amy to sleep. I love Patsy's humor, her easy writing style, and the topic of each chapter (such as "Bloom", "Sparrow", "Read", and so forth).

I think the paragraph on page 146-147 sums up this book nicely, "Our enemy is defined in Scripture as a thief and a liar who comes to steal and destroy. And no, he is not always obvious. He doesn't show up dressed in a red suit poking at us with a pitchfork. Instead, he comes as a foreboding thought, and accusation, a painful discontent, as fear, as heaviness. He strews cans in out path and taunts us to kick them. He realizes if we stay weighted down long enough, out brain and emotions will fog up on us and we'll forget that "up" is a directional choice."

Basically this book shows us how to choose joy, in every little thing each and every day.

The quotes throughout the book fit nicely and round it out to make it one of my new favorite books. It takes a lot for me to actually keep a book and add it to my shelf to read again, so if it's a keeper you know it's good!

Disclaimer: This book was given to me by BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest opinion.  

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