Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Chocolate rabbit. Check.

Coloring book. Check.

Bubbles. Check.

Colored eggs. Check. 
Jelly Beans and coins hidden in plastic eggs. Check.

Pictures of the Easter baskets. What Easter baskets? I piled their gifts on the couch.

I knew this Easter would be different. More low key. More empty.

We've always had a minimalistic Easter. We've stressed the religious part more than the bunny part.

But have I been living under a rock? I opened my Facebook feed on Sunday afternoon and was assaulted with photo after photo of huge baskets, stuffed full of toys and games and movies and candy. They looked professionally done. They looked like something belonging under the Christmas tree. They looked  expensive.

I wonder if this is a new Facebook mommy wars thing or if it's always been going on, just without the photographic evidence. Whatever happened to simple Easter baskets and egg hunts?

My children were thrilled with their meager offerings. They were thrilled to find that the "Easter Bunny" (aka Grandma) left a little red trunk outside filled with goodies. They loved coloring their eggs the night before and searching for them the next morning.

Am I the only one surprised with how overdone holidays seem to be getting? 


  1. No you're not the only one. We went very minimal this year and at the last minute I second guessed myself because I saw all that other people were doing. But my sweet husband talked me down and our kids were thrilled with their t-shirt and dried fruit.

    1. I second guessed myself for a split second - then reminded myself what good memories I had as a child of my simple Easter Basket. Facebook makes us mamas bonkers!

  2. I was in the minimal camp this year as well. My girls got a bottle of Kombucha soda and homemade CD. No chocolate. No junk. We focused on the religious meaning of the weekend, not the Easter Bunny. They were thrilled. I heard many times that it was the best Easter ever. Why? We played games together, went on a family bike ride, and grilled out. It was fun.

    1. Exactly! Time spent with family is the number one memory maker, not stuff!

  3. Just because someone gives their children huge baskets etc does not mean they don't celebrate the real meaning of Easter. Everyone, including you, does their own thing. Why do you care what someone else does or how much money they spend?

    1. I think if you'll reread my post you'll see that was not my point...

  4. I agree with you. As a child, Easter baskets had a small toy, stuffed animal bunny, and candy. I add a book to my kids' baskets, but that's it. To me, its not a holiday about giving presents.

  5. Eh...I ignore the ego stroking of Facebook. Not much that you see on the internet closely resembles reality. I enjoyed doing nothing except making desserts this year. Though Em got a small basket delivered by me since she had to work at Panera all day and missed family dinner. Marian
