Sunday, March 23, 2014


While things themselves aren't important, sometimes an item can remind us of a person, a happy memory, a moment in time long gone but not forgotten.

I love to surround myself with things I love, usually representing a memory. My bedside table is filled with memories. 
*The table itself, my Grandma's sewing table, lovingly painted a pistachio green by my husband.

*A Yoda sticker, which I would never keep on there usually but Jacob put it up there for me (he knew I liked Yoda best) and I can't bear to take it down now, or even correct it to make it centered and straight.

*A Faith crock that Becca got me for Christmas.

*A Rainy Day Fund jar filled with coins, which was Jacob's.

*A Joyce Meyer book that my dad gave me.

*A lovely bird lamp that I bought at my aunt's consignment shop that fits in perfect with my bird decor.
*And hiding inside the drawer of the table? Some treasures of Jacob's that I have found around the house since his passing.

Life is a collection of memories.

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