Saturday, March 1, 2014

Chemo Therapist

My mom received her advanced copies of her newest book, Chemo Therapist by Mary Potter Kenyon, in the mail yesterday. I had to rush to her house to grab my own copy! I had read the early version of the book years ago but was excited to read the finished product.

I sat down last night, expecting to read a few chapters, but the book pulled me in and I didn't go to sleep until 1:30am, after finishing the book.

It's hard to review a book written by my mom. The review would be great regardless, right? But seriously, there were times when I was reading that I forgot this was written about my own family.

While the subtitle is How Cancer Cured a Marriage this book isn't just for spouses who are caring for someone with cancer.

I could relate, having been a caregiver for a loved one.

I could relate, having a marriage that has been stressed to the max.

I could relate, being a human.

I had tears running down my face in several parts. I laughed out loud in others.This is a story about life. This is a story about love. We can all relate.

While the official release date isn't set until April 8th, you can advance order through Amazon (for a reduced price at the moment!) and it will be shipped when released.  

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