Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sweet Memories

I love candles, but the majority of mine are floral scent. When I heard that Bath & Body Works had a line called the "Sweet Shop" I had to try some out!
Two which sounded the best to me were Frosted Cupcake and Cinnamon Sugared Doughnut. 
When they arrived yesterday I opened up the Cinnamon Sugared Doughnut and was transported back in time. They say that smells trigger more memories than anything else and I think they are right.

Immediately I was back at the amusement park, AdventureLand, eating the cinnamon sugared doughnuts that you can watch being made, then buy in a small wax bag fresh from the oven. They are delicious. I remember eating them with my dad when we were little but most recently I remember eating them with Jacob when we went to AdventureLand the past few summers with his Dance Marathon group.

Closing my eyes and taking a big whiff of the candle had me standing in the sun, doling out the doughnuts to the three small sets of hands reaching for some. It took me to a place where Jacob was still with us, and if just for a moment, I was back there at AdventureLand eating donuts with him. It may sound silly, but it was a fleeting memory that was so real.

Of course, I went online to buy more of these sugar cinnamon donut candles and they are sold out. I'll check in our local store next time I'm around it but I will treasure the one candle I do have, which brings back a happy memory so strongly!
And quilts have always been another happy thing for me. I found this one at Goodwill yesterday. Joe immediately claimed it as his own (my kids also have a thing for blankets and quilts). I'm not sure if it is handmade or store bought (the stitches are a bit uneven so I'm thinking possibly handmade) but for $3.75 it doesn't matter - it's a beautiful quilt and makes us happy!


  1. The doughnut memory is one I, too, can feel. I love how the hot doughnuts would make the wax paper bag soft and crinkly, just for a moment, before the contents were devoured.
    I also adore the bakery type candles.
    & how sweet that your kiddos are quilt fans.
    You are a great mom Elizabeth

  2. The donut candles are on ebay I am not sure if they are more expensive than bath and body works though. Just a thought. :)

    1. I still haven't been able to stop at B&BW works, but if our local store doesn't have them I will now know where to get some more! Thank you!
