Saturday, January 11, 2014

Stranger Things

I stayed up until 2am in order to finish reading Stranger Things by Erin Healy. It's the type of book that "makes you read it", meaning one full of suspense that you just need to find out what happens.

The story line was full of twists and turns, though I did figure out where it was going towards the beginning. There weren't a lot of surprises or a twisted ending.

Parts of the story seemed to be more science fiction, or supernatural, and confused me to a point. The beginning seemed to flow in and out of supernatural and throughout the book there were bits and pieces of it. I, personally, don't feel that it fit with the story because I still can't figure out what it was. A dream? Real? Emotions stirring up those thoughts? I could have done without those parts.

All-in-all a good suspenseful read.

Disclaimer: This book was given to me by BookSneeze in exchange for an honest review.


  1. Have you read "A Solder's Wife?" If you haven't you simply must. Not my normal type of book, but i really enjoyed it.

  2. No, I haven't. I'll put it on my "to-read" list and let you know how I liked it afterwards! Thank you for the suggestion!
