Monday, December 9, 2013


*Started off with a baby diaper that exploded all over our bed. Apparently it's now sheet washing day.

*We awoke to about an inch of snow. I know that the kids will be begging to go outside later today. It's been awfully cold here as well so it may take me as long to bundle them up as it will for them to play outside.

*Amy is pulling herself up now. And getting her top two teeth. And getting hurt a lot as she is mobile and constantly on the go. She seriously never just sits there now!

*I did a big shopping trip to start back on the Trim Healthy Mama book and have been loving the recipes. It's nothing like "diet" food and much more like real, satisfying food. This morning for breakfast I had a cup of coffee and steel cut oats with 1/2 cup berries and 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese blended up. You don't mix it together but rather plop the berry mixture in your bowl and dip the spoonful of oatmeal into it. It was delicious and so satisfying! 
*I recently finished the book The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein which a friend and a reader here recommended to me. I loved it and finished it within the same afternoon of starting it. A great book for a cold winter day!

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